Generation Z on the Rise

Eing Gaik Ling (Byeing) won the top-selling agent for four consecutive months and successfully joined the list in SVO Elite Club, becoming the youngest 00s silver leader! 
At 20, she bought her first car – AMG Mercedes! 🖤 
Of course, her success was no accident. At 14, Byeing began to work part-time as a waiter, a dishwasher, etc. Sometimes she had to work part-time twice a day.
At 19, she began to get into an online business and earned her first lucrative income! But she didn’t want to stop there and wanted to take advantage of her skill to move towards a higher goal.
She joined the SVO WE GROUP e-commerce startup platform through the introduction of Lim & Damon! Within half a year, she worked hard to learn to lead the team. Using the e-commerce experience she learned here, combined with the marketing resources of SVO WE GROUP, she quickly became the SVO sales champion within one month after joining. She maintained for four consecutive months, and on the fifth month, she was promoted to the SVO Elite Club Silver Leader! 
Byeing wants to become a person who is “more courageous than her peers in facing setbacks” and “faster at producing results”! She does not have a strong background or pillar of support! She has known since a young age that she has to be self-reliant to obtain what she desires.




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Create the Extraordinary in Ordinary Years

“Don’t let your horizon limit your possibilities, don’t always feel that you can’t be likely to be as lucky as others and can’t have the life you dream of.”