You Have a Choice to Become Irreplaceable

Have you ever felt defeated and wiped out your efforts overnight? That disappointment may be painful, but it’s also the kind of “awakening” you need in life. 

Chia owns a degree in UTAR. After graduation, she immediately started working. She worked as a Sales Executive in the bank for five years, with a high salary and stability. Chia mentioned: “Once I returned to work after 3-month maternity leave, I found that 90% of the customers I had worked so hard to build were snatched away by colleagues. ”

She was utterly disappointed, no one cared about her efforts over the years.

At the end of 2016, she decided to switch careers to join SVO WE GROUP and chose to fight for herself! But with no e-commerce experience, she had no income for the first three months. During that time, her savings were below RM1,000. 

Setbacks help you grow, and teams help you succeed

People come and go on the path of entrepreneurship. She thanked the group who stayed behind to accompany her through thick and thin. Her leader once said: “Setbacks are not terrible. If you don’t earn from them, you have to learn from them”. Now, she has a new-found understanding of the word “leadership.”

SVO WE GROUP team gave Chia the motivation to go all the way, and finally, she succeeded, and the SVO team’s entrepreneurial model was also proven! Within five years, she bought her own Dream Car BMW, with three houses, 6-figure savings, and leading a team of young entrepreneurs with 60 people onboard! 

Chia expressed her gratitude: “All of it was given to me by SVO…”

SVO WE GROUP works with you to make yourself shine!



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Create the Extraordinary in Ordinary Years

“Don’t let your horizon limit your possibilities, don’t always feel that you can’t be likely to be as lucky as others and can’t have the life you dream of.”