There are no miracles. Only intelligent planning, hard work, and perseverance.
Don’t Put Your Ambitions on the Wrong Runway
Our Greatest Enemy is Ourselves].
After graduating from college, Keith embarked on an entrepreneurial journey..
Create the Extraordinary in Ordinary Years
“Don’t let your horizon limit your possibilities, don’t always feel that you can’t be likely to be as lucky as others and can’t have the life you dream of.”
Today’s Limit is Tomorrow’s Bottom Line
After graduating from college, I worked in the banking business for two years.
You Have a Choice to Become Irreplaceable
Have you ever felt defeated and wiped out your efforts overnight? That disappointment may be painful, but it’s also the kind of “awakening” you need in life.
Growing Business, Growing Office
How did he surmount himself in just two and a half years to get a figure income and purchase the “first office” with a team in the center of KL?
Dare to Dream, There is a Whole World to Win.
The 24-year-old young man has successfully harvested a fortune in his life from scratch and bought two studios!
None of us is as great as all of us