Create the Extraordinary in Ordinary Years

“Don’t let your horizon limit your possibilities, don’t always feel that you can’t be likely to be as lucky as others and can’t have the life you dream of.”

I’m Li Ying. I used to work in Export Marketing & Sales at Penang. Before, I always felt that I had no talent, nor was I more skilled than others, a girl with no goal, no direction, no dream for the future, just wanted to find a stable job, lie safely in the passing time, and drift with the waves.

At that time, I didn’t have any requirements for life, and I didn’t hate life, but I gradually realized that this was not the life I wanted. I didn’t want to help others work anymore, others always controlled my salary, and I couldn’t get what I wanted to pursue, let alone live a good life for my family.

If you want a different life, you have to make a further change! I then decided to join the SVO WE GROUP and began to try to start a business and start an extraordinary life.

After joining SVO WE GROUP, I saw that there were still so many people who fought for their lives, striving for their own goals and themselves! It was a lot of happiness to have a group of like-minded comrades-in-arms who encouraged and supported each other on the journey to entrepreneurship.

No matter the challenge, I feel full of a sense of accomplishment with every breakthrough. My quality of life began to get better and better, and also successfully reached the standard and was promoted to the silver leader of the SVO Elite Club!

I’ve been joining for four years in the blink of an eye. I gained a lot here. “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.” 

I want to say to all the partners who have been working hard: NEXT STOP! THE TOP! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND MAKE IT HAPPENThanks to the SVO WE GROUP team, my ordinary life has become extraordinary.

SVO WE GROUP 2022, it’s time for you to set sail for your dreams!




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