Growing Business, Growing Office

How did he surmount himself in just two and a half years to get a figure income and purchase the “first office” with a team in the centre of KL?
Let’s learn about the journey of the silver leader of the SVO Elite Club
– ✨ Kelvin Ng ✨.

From a small room to an entire office space


Before joining SVO, Kelvin used to run an online sales business alone.

He handled everything from negotiating with the supplier to designing advertising posters, copywriting,  packaging, and shipping! Kelvin often stayed up late to work, but his income was not proportional to his effort. After graduating from university, he was uncertain about his future and did not know what to do next. 

SVO’s positive team culture influenced him, and he saw the trend and unlimited business opportunities in the e-commerce market. He then had a grand goal and was determined to strive for his choice! 
At 21, he met Damon Tang, the leader, and joined the SVO WE GROUP family. 
He thanked himself for running the online sales at the beginning. Everything was “hands-on,” so he knew more about every step in running an e-commerce business and even understood the importance of having a set of “perfect e-commerce systems”! 
The 5S e-commerce system allows more young partners with “zero capital” and “zero experience” to start their businesses.
Along the way, Kelvin has experienced countless adversities, but he has been able to grow stronger from his difficulties and setbacks each time. 
“If you are also experiencing some setbacks or difficulties while reading this article, please don’t be discouraged. Remember that adversities are temporary because solutions will always be more than problems…” – Kelvin Ng.
The best comrades-in-arms not only verbally wish for each other’s success but also participate in and witness the process of success together! 







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Create the Extraordinary in Ordinary Years

“Don’t let your horizon limit your possibilities, don’t always feel that you can’t be likely to be as lucky as others and can’t have the life you dream of.”