Don’t Put Your Ambitions on the Wrong Runway

Our Greatest Enemy is Ourselves.

After graduating from college, Keith embarked on an entrepreneurial journey in his first year of returning from abroad. But the timing was not right, encountered an unprecedented MCO, the sudden market change caught Keith off guard, coupled with his own lack of experience, failed, and thus carried the debt. But Keith will never concede!

Three months later, he decided to make a comeback and resolutely joined the SVO WE GROUP to start a strange and novel e-commerce entrepreneurial journey 👨🏻 💻!

From advertising strategies, design and copywriting to marketing strategies, Keith forces herself to work 16 hours every day! Without any excuses, without any complaints, what supported him forward was not the looming dream in front of him, nor the illusion of getting rich overnight, but the abyss that was approaching step by step behind him.

Striving to live up to the hearts of people, Keith on the basis of SVO’s perfect 5S system, coupled with the team partners along the way, finally achieved a performance of RM225K in the fourth month, and won July #WeStar100K Club’s Top Dealer title! He not only succeeded in turning himself over and paying off all his debts, but also continued to work hard.

Don’t put your ambitions on the wrong track

In the end, Keith set an unprecedented record on the QDM stage in Q3 2021:

🏆 TOP 1 Best Newcomer Awards
🏆 TOP 1 Best Progress Awards
🏆 TOP 1 Best Entrepreneur Awards
🏆 Set the highest personal record of RM400K in SVO history, in a single month
🏆 Set a record of RM652K for the team and became the Top Achiever Team in October 202

Keith won. Not to defeat anyone, but to fulfil the promise he promised himself.



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