Dare to Dream, There is a Whole World to Win.

The 24-year-old young man has successfully harvested a fortune in his life from scratch and bought two studios! #WeStory takes you through the ups and downs of Edward’s entrepreneurial process! 
At the age of 18, Edward, who had outstanding academic performance, dropped out of school decisively and chose the path of joining the SVO team to start a business! Of course, the relatives and friends around him questioned why he didn’t continue studying well.
In the past five years, no matter how significant the obstacles have been, Edward has insisted on making achievements to make his family proud so that everyone knows that “success” does not necessarily have to come from the university. Everyone has their way of succeeding. 
Five years later, he succeeded! Edward created his team and bought two offices in KL! The bittersweet experience along the way made him cherish and thank the companionship of the SVO WE GROUP brothers over the years, and they worked hard together to succeed and forge ahead for his dreams. 



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Create the Extraordinary in Ordinary Years

“Don’t let your horizon limit your possibilities, don’t always feel that you can’t be likely to be as lucky as others and can’t have the life you dream of.”