The One Who Wants to Wear the Crown, Must Bear.

Every entrepreneur can understand that it is easy to start a business, but it’s always challenging to maintain. Without a relatively well-established system, you will continue under unimaginable stress every day. In this issue of #WeStory, we welcome KengWaii, the silver leader of the SVO Elite Club, to share his entrepreneurial experience.

A superpower that everyone possesses —— Persistence

During KengWaii’s university years, his family’s financial situation forced him to drop out and enter the workforce early. He had always thought about starting a business, so he worked part-time from a young age, hoping to save enough capital for his entrepreneurial endeavors. 

He sees things differently than others; thus, many people do not understand his ideas. Do some people even question why he would instead risk starting a business and face imminent hardships rather than just focusing on his studies to graduate on time? 

KengWaii ignored it, stuck to his ideas, and finally started an online clothing business. However, as someone who started a company for the first time, he lacked experience and a solid business system. After a year of hard work, he went out of business and lost all his capital.


Different visions, different horizons

KengWaii did not give up his original intentions and saw through the doubts of others. After learning about SVO’s perfect #5S e-commerce system, he did not hesitate to join the SVO WE GROUP. He restarted his entrepreneurial journey with a group of like-minded partners! 

“The road to success is inseparable from the help of allies, the guidance of mentors, and the challenges that come from enemies.” I like the culture of SVO WE GROUP, which makes it a joy to understand the development of a group of comrades in arms leading towards the same goal and expands my horizons and career path. 

“From this, I also realised my shortcomings, and I will continue to work hard and improve myself and make myself a better team leader!” —— KengWaii

The enormous wealth of young people is youth and physical strength. You should be brave enough to fight for your goals when you are young!

SVO WE GROUP works with you to believe in yourself and stick to what you love! 



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Create the Extraordinary in Ordinary Years

“Don’t let your horizon limit your possibilities, don’t always feel that you can’t be likely to be as lucky as others and can’t have the life you dream of.”