The Harder You Work, The Brighter You Shine.

The harder you work, the brighter you shine.
The beliefs that a person strives to uphold are often only seen and understood by others after they become successful. So on the road to success, what you need more is not the doubts of others but the determination to persevere and not give up. In this issue of #WeStory, we welcome Benjamin H’ng, the silver leader of the SVO Elite Club, to share how he has survived the struggle! 
The value of life does not lie in the glory of success but the process of pursuit!
In June 2018, Benjamin joined the SVO WE GROUP. His decision was no accident. When Benjamin was young, he encountered an economic crisis where the salary of his 9-to-6 day job was not enough to pay off his debt, so he continued to work diligently as a part-time Grabcar driver after office hours. But the money he earned was still limited. 
He was eager to change his fate and was waiting for a suitable opportunity to give himself the ability to solve all his financial burdens! Some say that turning points often occur at your lowest points in life. At this moment, Wei Shuen introduced him to join the SVO WE GROUP. At first, Benjamin also doubted his ability, but seeing that some of the team members who shared the same problems that he did were gradually achieving success in life, he had faith to continue believing in his path! Benjamin only took two years to get to where he is today. 
Benjamin: “In the beginning, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up and inevitably failed. Thank you, SVO WE GROUP partners, for helping each other. The team went all the way to solve all the problems!”
In SVO WE GROUP, he received an opportunity to work hard and live for himself, which changed his life and allowed him to own his first BMW! 
Having faith is like sowing a seed in the heart. Under the right conditions, the seed will take root and sprout out of the soil, and there will always be the hope of harvesting fruit. Sometimes you need external help to achieve results, but in the end, you have to do it on your own because no one can deeply plant your faith in your heart. Therefore, we must hold our beliefs dear and sow the seeds of hope. 







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Create the Extraordinary in Ordinary Years

“Don’t let your horizon limit your possibilities, don’t always feel that you can’t be likely to be as lucky as others and can’t have the life you dream of.”