Right Platform, Right Choice, Doubling Results

“The way your present self lives was decided by your past self 3 to 5 years ago. Hence, the way your future self lives will be decided by the actions of your present self!”

In this issue of #WeStory, let’s welcome Daphne Yee,” the golden leader of the SVO Elite Club.

In this era when “Choice” is more important than “Effort”, choosing the right platform is more important than everything else.

Once, she was particularly afraid of rain, because she didn’t have a car to go home, either holding an umbrella and walking a few kilometers in the rain, or spending money to take a taxi. Therefore, her first goal after entering the working community was to buy a car!

Unexpectedly, a decision that she made five years ago changed her life! She joined SVO WE GROUP five years ago and bought not only her first car, but also her second car last year, Little Blue!

This road is indeed not easy, the entrepreneurial journey continues to rise and fall. Fortunately, the combined strength of the team reminded Daphne to not forget her initial intentions and to continue moving forward! She modestly said: “As long as I am still on this path, I will continue to work hard and write more wonderful chapters.”

Time and energy spent on the wrong platform is wasted effort.

Thanks to #SVOWEGROUP for providing the perfect platform. Let all those who have the fighting spirit and the will to create shine ✨ here.

“Today” is your best chance to choose where you stand “Tomorrow”! Thank you Daphne for sharing and giving everyone the courage to take the first step of change.



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