Act Fast, Just Get it Done

When you make a confident decision or choose a path, you must ensure that you see it through to the end, regardless of how difficult it may be. That way, you will always give your best in everything!” —— Jade Lee



If you are unwilling to find a way to work towards your dreams, then your dreams will forever remain as dreams!

It was an era when FB advertising was not yet widespread, and Jade was still selling Power Banks on major online groups. But the results were not satisfactory as her monthly income was only RM2k+. Subsequently, many FB online groups began to be locked out, and other public groups also began to block online sales posts. But Jade didn’t give up, and she firmly believes that the online market will be the future trend! 

Jade learned through Ferenc that e-commerce is the trend of the new era and was even more surprised by his monthly income of more than RM10,000. She then joined SVO WE GROUP to kickstart her e-commerce career! 



It takes a lot of courage to change yourself!

After joining SVO WE GROUP, Jade escaped her comfort zone and did many things that she had never dared to do. She also changed many bad habits and devoted all her time to entrepreneurship! 

Leading a team of 40 people, Jade modestly said that she is still learning and will continue to strive to become a better leader in everyone’s heart! 
SVOWE GROUP will be there, walking beside you and improving with you every step of the way!



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Create the Extraordinary in Ordinary Years

“Don’t let your horizon limit your possibilities, don’t always feel that you can’t be likely to be as lucky as others and can’t have the life you dream of.”