Today’s Limit is Tomorrow’s Bottom Line

Hey, I’m Elson. After graduating from college, I worked in the banking business for two years. But management makes every decision only for interests of higher levels, no one really guide me in the direction of advancement, and I have always been alone to explore myself.

Gradually, I lost my enthusiasm, and the high-paying and stable job always made me feel unsteady.

After leaving my job, I was more aware of my goals, and I want to start a business. I didn’t want to work for others anymore! I always believe “If you’re going to do something challenging every day, you can achieve your future and build for your goals! “

In 2018 I joined SVO WE GROUP and started my entrepreneurial journey. After joining, the most significant change is my social circle, while everyone is sharing their ways to achieve their goals.

In 2019, I broke through my annual record, won
the Top Significant Improvement Leap Forward Award and was rewarded the opportunity to go for a SVO Incentive Trip, a luxury tour to Hokkaido, Japan!

In 2020, I finally achieved what I have been working towards
– “To be promoted to the SVO Silver EC Elite Club”!

I am very grateful for the resources and support provided so that all dreamers can gather together and SVO WE GROUP makes me realized that committing in entrepreneurship does not have to be alone. Cooperation and win-win can accomplish our dreams more quickly and being able to truly live our desired lifestyle!

I was hoping you could work a little harder today, and tomorrow you can push forward and run farther and farther!




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